22 Dec A Touch of Red & Green is All-time Favorite to Color Your Holidays!
I don’t know about you, but I love red! As I’ve been working on this blog post listening to classical music, surrounded by the glow of candles and the lights on our tree, I realize how much I love to decorate with traditional red and green for the holidays. And after shopping for gifts all day, I’m so looking forward to relaxing with the family around our Christmas tree, playing games, and maybe even making some holiday cookies.
The simplest way I decorate for the holiday season is with a few red poinsettias strategically placed around my home. I like one on our piano in our entry way and some in our dining room near the tree.
But a few colorful Deborah Main accent pillows can also easily brighten up a room for the holiday season!
If you’ve been following color consultant Amy Wax’s and Deborah Main Designs’ #ColorYourHolidays contest on Instagram, you know we’ve been talking about color – from teal and blues, to creams and Italy inspired golden sunsets, we’ve been talking about giving the “gift of color” all month long. So if you haven’t done it yet, now is the time!
As you can see from this vintage designer scarf pillow above, the handy color tool, Color 911 App, created by color expert Amy Wax, helps you decorate with many other colors that complement red and green. Our family/dining room walls are a rich caramel color and I was finally able to sneak in my one red wall. So, as you can see below, (photographed on our couch near our tree for this blog post), this fabulous vintage Vera Neumann scarf pillow would complement my home decor perfectly, and maybe yours too.
Our studio, Deborah Main Designs, is offering (for the very time on our website) “Special Holiday Pricing” through December 31st. Please feel free to shop for the above pillow for your home decor right HERE, and we’ll be happy to ship it out to you pronto. They make perfect housewarming gifts as well!
With the award-winning color app, Color 911, you’d be amazed at how often you would use this tool while shopping for home decor. Just today, I managed to pop into a fabric shop to start looking for some cut velvet for my mother’s chair we’re planning to reupholster, and if my phone hadn’t died, the Color911 App would have helped me tremendously. As you can see below, it is THE creative tool that homeowners and designers, artists, and really anyone that loves and works with color, can make use of in a variety of ways.
The Color 911 App has really made me look at color in a whole new light, which I’m super excited about. Because it not only has helped me decorate my home for the holidays, but has also helped me decide on some colors in my pillow designs for sure!
Like this green paisley silk brocade pillow and all the many fabulous shades of green throughout the design gives you so many options to decorate with. I love the chartreuse green against the olive green. It just opens up a whole new world to decorating with color!
And look what the Color 911 App does with one of our Les Petits Bijoux collectible holiday ornaments. This ornament below is handcrafted in our Austin, Texas studio of vintage French Damask and trimmed with vintage country red and green plaid trim from Paris (which I love, because we have it in several colorways in our private vintage French trim collection) and crowned with a sparkly vintage clear rhinestone button.
Very classic ornament color scheme and design. One that makes a perfect gift to the hostess at you next holiday party.
Here it is on our tree below, where I photographed many of our custom holiday ornaments for you to see how they look on a Christmas tree. But they’re also perfect little gems to add red and green holiday decor to your office cubicle or on your bedroom mirror.
And trust me, you do not have to save these ornaments just for the holidays as we handcraft them in any color combination you would like for all special occasions.
If I were getting married again, I think they’d make perfect bridesmaid gifts….but I’ve been married 31 years to a fabulous husband, so I’ll have to pass on that idea. But you don’t! So please keep our collectible ornaments in mind for your next occasion. You can shop for them on this fabulous new luxury home decor & gift online boutique, La Bella Fiona.
Now last but not least, I would be remiss if I did not inform you that you have ONLY 2 days left to enter Amy’s and my #Color Your Holidays contest! So hurry now and hop on over to our Instagram accounts and follow the instructions.
For starters, you need to follow us both on Instagram: @amywax and @DeborahMainDesigns and start using the heck out of that hashtag #ColorYourHolidays.
I mean look at the fabulous PRIZE the winner receives!! Now think of 9 of your friends and family that would enjoy receiving the Color 911 App (and some Deborah Main luxury pillows too!) and get to work on that list because Wed, the 23rd at 5 p.m. EST, the contest ends and we select only ONE lucky winner who has used the hashtag #ColorYourHolidays most AND followed the rest of our instructions (see complete rules on our Instagram links above).
I’d love to see some of your holiday decorating pics, so please share them and watch for the winner Wed, the 23rd. Till next time, I wish you and your family a magical holiday. Merry Christmas! XOPG
Note: Pillow photography by, and with permission from, Gregg Cestaro. Color 911 graphics by, and with permission from, Amy Wax.
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