• This week’s blog post is about GRATITUDE, and an interview with Ruth Olbrych, owner of the ZAAR Design Center.  But also today, I’ve been married for 32 years to THE most amazing husband, David Latimer!!! Hard to believe he’s put up with me for THAT long, but I feel VERY
  • It’s no surprise by now to anyone that is keeping up with our studio and the blog, that Deborah Main pillows are hitting the national scene one more time and are headed to TWO amazing places: High Point Market in N.C. AND Design On A Dime in NYC.  I haven’t filled you
  • Heads up interior designers, and consumers too, because one day what showcases at High Point Market in North Carolina will be in a store near you that you’ll be shopping in this year!  So, for today’s blog post,  I’d like to introduce you to one of the other brands that
  • Graphic by, and with permission from, Modern Look Book. Wow, what a whirlwind of a week and it’s only the first week of March!!  There’s simply so much going on – from the west coast last month with Modernism Week (See my post from last week)  – to the east
  • I can’t help it…but with this gorgeous weather in Austin and clear, blue skies, I really want to be poolside, either at Austin’s well-known jewel, Barton Springs Pool (which is essentially just down the hill from my studio), or out in Palm Springs at Modernism Week.  Kind of like interior
  • Photography by, and with permission from, Gregg Cestaro. 2016 is off to a wild and exciting start! As many of you know, I went to the Dallas Total Home & Gift Market (where we have now TWO showrooms, Doris Sanders, Ltd. and Pennisula Home Collection) and, for the very first time,
  • 2016 is off to a wild and exciting start! As many of you know, I went to the Dallas Total Home & Gift Market (where we have now TWO showrooms, Doris Sanders, Ltd. and Pennisula Home Collection) and, for the very first time, the Las Vegas Market, in a tour sponsored
  • Deborah Main & 2016 Design Icon Thomas Pheasant at his book signing and presentation at Las Vegas Market. Photo by Sandy Hughes of SteelYard. Hi Friends.  After experiencing the time of my life for eight 18-hour days at Dallas Market, then Vegas Market, then Dallas and home again, it’s finally
  • Happy New Year friends! The new year here at our studio Deborah Main Designs has been off to a quick start, so I’ve had no time to post. But you can look forward to posts in the next few months because we have a lot of exciting CHANGES coming up for
  • Hard to believe 2015 is almost over and in just 3 days we will ring in the new year. I’m not sure I’m quite ready, but as always, we must be.  My new word (according to Facebook) for the new year is CHANGE!!  And that is something we all must
  • I don’t know about you, but I love red!  As I’ve been working on this blog post listening to classical music, surrounded by the glow of candles and the lights on our tree, I realize how much I love to decorate with traditional red and green for the holidays.  And
  • If you’ve been following and getting inspired by Amy Wax’s and my #ColorYourHolidays campaign this month, well you are in for THE color treat of the year. Today is THE day for our #ColorYourHolidays #InstaContest! #ColorYourHoliday Instagram contest starts today, Wednesday, Dec. 16th and runs until 5:00 p.m. EST, on
  • From the rooftops, sunsets, and textiles of Venice to crystal chandeliers and fashion in Milan, my family trip to Northern Italy this summer was full of color inspiration. Traveling has a way of doing that for me, and I’m sure you too. It gives us a chance to see our
  • Today, my friend and award-winning color expert, Amy Wax, and I, kick off our exciting holiday color campaign #ColorYourHolidays! On our blogs and all our Social Media (using hashtag #coloryourholidays) we’ll be featuring color inspiration every week in December and ways to bring unique, festive, fun color – and let’s not forget calming
  • I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving and either stayed home to enjoy family and all that PIE or went out to support local business on Black Friday. Either way, I hope your holiday was full of love, laughter and plenty of gratitude. I know I am VERY thankful for
  • Should I post this? Should I not? Should I post this? Should I not? I plan to do a marketing campaign to promote my ornaments for the holidays starting THIS Saturday for Small Business Saturday…but maybe people won’t buy from me if I speak my mind?? I’ve always kept ALL
  • In the face of the shocking tragedy in Paris, I, like many, are grieving for not only Paris, but the world, because it affects us all.  My heart goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one or been traumatized by these horrific events. I frankly can’t even comprehend
  • I’m working really hard to make my #TextureTuesday blog posts much, much shorter and filled with much more texture and color to ignite your creativity. I get inspired by all sorts of different texture and color and like to share it with you every week. But I really hope you
  • As many of you who follow this blog know, last week I had the pleasure of attending Austin Home Magazine’s “Industry Networking Social” (See blog post HERE) at a local home boutique HACIENDA. After meeting the owner, the delightful NYC transplant Jessica Beattie, I decided to interview her to understand more
  • Inspiration above, from left to right: Roi James’ textured paints, Gail Chovan’s intricate vintage lace and Hacienda’s colorful rugs. As some of you who follow me on Facebook know, last week I was fortunate enough to attend four events in one week.  After a dry spell in the summer, it was
  • Artist Roi James in front of one of his paintings at Live Strong Foundation, 2014.  This seems to be the week of events and it’s not even the holidays yet!  Okay, I admit it…it is essentially the “beginning” of the holiday season, so let the festivities begin! I am very blessed
  • You don’t have to look far to find interesting handwoven texture from around the globe. Global influence is still on-trend, spotted by Style Spotters at fall 2015 High Point Market, but in my mind, it kind of never really left.  I mean if you really think about it, we are continually
  • Photography by, and with permission from, Kimberly Lewis.   Winning a wallpaper contest on Instagram was fairly easy, but wait until we get to the selection process, now that’s a totally different story! Sponsored by Brooklyn-based wallpaper designer, Kimberly Lewis, and fine French furniture manufacturer, Grange, I simply followed their #InstaContest
  • Style Spotting is all about “The hunt”, right?  With High Point Market, the largest home furnishings market in the USA, going on this weekend in North Carolina, Oct 17 – 22, 2015, and many of my design friends there looking for beautiful pieces for their clients, I wanted to take
  • I’ve got tile on my mind. Not just a little tile….but a lot of tile!  Because we’re planning to remodel and I have to select tile for the bathroom of The Cottage, a guest cottage we hope to rent out (short term only) for Austin’s great festivals, like Austin City
  • Okay, if you’ve been following our visit to Varenna on our blog, we’re going to wrap up our stay at the Royal Victoria Hotel on Lake Como with our stroll near these fantastic wooden doors and some fireworks! I’ll also leave you with 10 reasons you should choose to stay
  • Well, let’s see….where did I leave off??  I think with food, the bountiful complimentary breakfasts that we enjoyed for the three days we stayed in Varenna on Lake Como at the Royal Victoria Hotel. But if you forgot where we were, please check out last week’s post HERE and you’ll
  • Ah… Lake Como, nestled high in the Italian Alps! My first vague impression of Lake Como came a few years back when I was up very late one night hand-stitching one of my pillows and discovered the incredible film, Gaslight ,on Turner Classic Movies. It’s a small detail in the 1944 film,
  • Ah, Varenna!  I’ve traveled many places in the world and have some personal favorite relaxation spots in Ouray, Colorado and Deer Isle, Maine, but there’s nothing quite like Varenna, Italy. Situated about half way up the right pant leg (seriously, that’s how travelers describe it) of the Lake Como region,
  • Where do I begin?  First off, I want to thank you, my dear readers, for letting me take a little time off (guilt free) this summer to spend time with my family. It was wonderful and I really needed the break. Heck we all need time to refresh and renew
Meet The Pillow Goddess

About Deborah Main

Hi there. Welcome to The Pillow Goddess®. I’m Deborah Main. Once dubbed “The Pillow Goddess” by Houston House & Home in 2011, I’ve been writing under this pen name ever since. But don’t let the name fool you. I write about design, art, travel and everything in between. Please join me for exciting inspiration and follow along! Read More

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Deborah Main Designs

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