06 May Deborah Main: A Day with Miele “Food Photography Tips”

Hello all. It’s kind of a cloudy day here today in Austin, Texas, but it was anything but that in New York City during #BlogTourNYC. In fact, we only had one night of rain, and it would be the one night I’m trying to catch a cab out to Brooklyn to hear my son play in his band. Just FYI, there are no cabs in NYC in the rain!!
But on our first full day of BlogTour, after a chilly but lovely morning with Tess Casey floral design, then a delicious Italian lunch and DXV showroom (and this was only 1/2 way through the first day!) we were treated to the next 6 hours, from 3:00 – 9:00 p.m. to the modern showroom of one of our top sponsors, Miele, food photography, and the most spectacular gourmet meal in the world!