• Friends, Vintage French trim, textile pillow art, vintage designer scarf pillows, Kumi Jewelry (by my daughter Qin) & more! Cozy fire and hot toddies await you this Saturday at my EXTENDED Holiday Open Studio & Sample Sale, 12 – 7 p.m. I know….I know…you Northerners are looking at us as
  • Look at all those shopping bags my friend Leslie Hyland Rogers is dashing out the door with!  Leslie, founder of Symphony of Soul, and countless other new and old friends, made my first Holiday Open Studio & Sample Sale such a success that I’ve extended it to four more times
  • This photo was taken by JD Walker, owner of Flowers & Found Objects, our newest store in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He has a beautiful display of our one-of-a-kind Ornamental Charm Series. This week’s Texture Tuesday (no new post this Friday) is about my studio as I’m busy preparing for my Holiday
  • Today’s a very special day that in the USA we celebrate and support small businesses everywhere, brick and mortar AND online, by shopping for our holiday gifts TODAY, Saturday, November 27, 2016, on SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY. So put on your shopping shoes and get out there and support your local
  • Can any of us believe Thanksgiving is here?? If you’re like me, you’re mentally and emotionally exhausted from the election and ready to kick back for an autumn holiday. Mostly around this time we give thanks, and I will in just a minute. But I’ve decided I’m going to take
  • Doors open. Doors close. And that’s where we find ourselves one week from election day. No matter how you voted, we’re all going to need to walk through these doors together as the “United” States of America. For this week’s Texture Tuesday I bring you some choices of doors from Florence
  • There’s nothing like a simple or elegant vignette that inspires me.  Color and texture always draw me in. But also a combination of art, design, and definitely a little sparkle, will do the trick too. On a recent trip to Dallas, I got plenty when my dear friend Matthew Wilson
  • It’s Texture Tuesday and Election Day! Please go vote today! This week’s Texture Tuesday is dedicated to freedom. Go exercise your right and privilege to walk freely to the voting booth and cast your ballots for whomever you want for President, Senator or Representative. The right to vote is a freedom
  • Happy Texture Tuesday!  I’m super pumped up because I just got off an AMAZING Instagram webinar that got me INCREDIBLY inspired!! Which is exactly what I needed this week. And you probably need a boost too, since you might have eaten a bunch of Halloween candy last night, right? First
  •   A little color inspiration from my neighborhood. Photography by Deborah Main. Happy weekend friends! Was in Dallas on business through late last night, so my Friday post arrives to you just in time for your weekend reading. As y’all know, color and texture inspire me everyday. They are the
  • Sometimes the best gifts come in small packages. And with my Ornamental Charm Series, we know a little texture and color can go a long way with these very special handcrafted artisan gifts. As one fan sums it up, “They’re like little presents”. That’s right, tis the holiday season already!
  • “RESPONSIVE TEXTILES was founded on the idea that clothes are our second skin, and they should be as unique and human as we are.” — Kristine Rodriguez A few weeks ago during New York Fashion Week (NYFW) I had the opportunity to write a story for a top kitchen and
  • Sometimes we need space to clear our heads. Sometimes we need to look at nothing. Sometimes cornfields, silos, farms, sky, and the next bend in the road will do just fine. On my recent excursion to an east coast family wedding (which was the first of the next generation among
  • What a whirlwind of an amazing Austin City Limits Festival!! How awesome was it to hear all that live music and come back to a cozy South Austin bungalow, high on a bluff above the crowds, nestled in the quiet, relaxing Zilker neighborhood. With tranquility awaiting you on a patio under
  • Happy #TextureTuesday!  Today you get two chances to guess what this little squirrel sculpture, and other animals, are made of.  The above adorable squirrel looks like it’s crafted from looped yarn to me, don’t you think? Not. Keep trying to guess with my clues. Have you got it yet? Well,
  • Well, leave it to me to have ALL my projects due at the same time! But isn’t that how the universe usually works anyways, where you’re juggling too many balls in the air and they all need to come together almost the exact same week, or even day? That’s how
  • Hi Friends.  Starting up my Texture Tuesdays again. These are NOT long posts. Instead, they’re about inspiration.  You’ll see amazing color and texture detail – from nature, textiles, fashion, and jewels – that inspire me and I hope you too. I’m actually working on inspiration for an art piece to
  • Photography by, and with permission from, Responsive Textiles and BLANCO. With New York Fashion Week upon us, it’s exciting to see what the hottest trends will be for 2017. When it’s high fashion time on the runway, we can usually predict in the home furnishing industry that this year’s runway
  • © Deborah Main, Vintage French Textiles & Trim with 1930’s Brooch. Mixed media on pillow form, 20 x 20. (Available at Round Rock ArtSpace, Round Rock, TX. Exhibit runs through August 27th; special art exhibition pricing – $549.00) Artists Interpret Red I’m excited to share with you that one of
  • Well, I haven’t looked at the news today, but so far, I’ve not been able to do Friday’s Flowers & Trim for 3 weeks now due to terrorists attacks. I’m praying there was not one today (as I have some happy and sad news to share on the creative front)
  • With Dallas market behind me (I’ll post that recap next week) and the holiday weekend upon us, I’m looking forward to some seriously fun relaxing time with family and friends. I don’t know about you, but truthfully, after a busy past 6 weeks and with this Texas heat I’m feeling
  • Before I drive to Dallas for the Total Home & Gift Market, I’m squeezing in this week’s Friday Flowers & Trim with a simple fresh fuchsia bouquet my daughter brought to me after a trip to the grocery store with her Dad. She does the sweetest things at a time
  • Today, the Dallas Total Home & Gift Market starts June 22 – June 28th. We’ve been busy in the Deborah Main Designs studio creating two more Limited Edition styles for our NEW Linen and Wood Series and a few Texas souvenir scarf pillows, while also sorting through our vast collection
  • It’s been a difficult week in American history, and, like me, I know many of you have struggled with a range of emotions over the most shocking tragedy in Orlando. I was filled with anger, sadness, you name it. I didn’t know what to think or do, so I turned off
  • With summer upon us, it’s time for a more relaxed blogging schedule. Today I introduce “Friday Flowers & Trim”. As I’m reorganizing my tiny studio to make more room for my vast collection of vintage textiles and French trim, I decided to carve out a spot in the studio for
  • + Echoes of Lives Unlived OPINION By David Latimer – Special to the American-Statesman (Note: David Latimer is Deborah Main’s husband of 32 years). Posted: 1:00 a.m. Saturday, May 25, 2013 My mother simply called him “a boy I used to know.” Then she added, “He was killed in the war.”
  • Photography by, and with permission from, Jonathan Legate. Its never too late to say thank you and one can never say it quite enough….especially to those individuals who have supported my work from the very beginning (like some of you!) and those of you who’ve recently discovered my work and
  • marketplace Linen and Wood Pillows “Pillow Goddess” Deborah Main made her High Point debut this spring in a display for Universal Furniture created by celebrity designer Kelli Ellis. The American-made linen pillows feature vintage French trim with wood that’s been hand-turned by Jeff Hornung of The Walnut Log, also handcrafted
  • Who would have ever guessed that in one month, April 2016, Deborah Main luxury pillows would debut at High Point Market in N.C. and then Design on a Dime in NYC!?!?! Not me! But because of some fabulous business owners and interior designers, along with wonderful team work and collaboration,
  • See ZAAR Design Center at the bottom of that white sign on the corner of that building? Well read on, for all the fun to be had tonight and the rest of High Point Market. PARTY DAY!!!!! Where:  Penthouse Floor of the Lofts, UNION SQUARE party on Roof Top at ZAAR Design
Meet The Pillow Goddess

About Deborah Main

Hi there. Welcome to The Pillow Goddess®. I’m Deborah Main. Once dubbed “The Pillow Goddess” by Houston House & Home in 2011, I’ve been writing under this pen name ever since. But don’t let the name fool you. I write about design, art, travel and everything in between. Please join me for exciting inspiration and follow along! Read More

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Deborah Main Designs

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