15 Jan Learn How Designhounds Influence Design for Your Home – Final Days to Vote!
It’s the home stretch! You may have seen a lot of designers asking for votes last week, and this week, (vote for me HERE please) and for good reason too. Saturday, the 18th, is the last day to cast your votes to help determine the 8 category winners (see categories below) of the 2020 Designhounds Influencer Awards and the overall winner of the Awards. Voting Ends at 5 p.m. (EST) Saturday, January 18th. Learn from my point of view, and a few other finalists, what it means to be a Design Hounds Influencer and how we make informed design decisions that help you, your home and the quality of your life.
Your Vote Matters
First off, I’m thrilled and honored to announce (if you haven’t heard by now) that I’m a FINALIST in the 2020 Designhounds Influencer Awards. Here’s my profile and I’d love it if you would please vote for me once a day until 4 p.m. Saturday. Yup, I’m asking for your vote again, as we all are! As you read on, you’ll learn why.
Above is how the finalists’ profiles are listed, along with a complete profile description, on the Designhounds Influencer Awards page HERE. See all TOP 100 Finalists, and the rules, and please vote for as many as you want, once per day, until Saturday, the 18th.
So What’s a DesignHounds Influencer Anyway?
Designhounds is the leading network of design micro-influencers. The network is made up of approximately 500 + individual interior and product designers and architects who create content on their blogs and social media platforms to educate and inform design professionals and design-savvy consumers like yourself.
Designhounds, learning from each other and in collaboration with brands, take what they learn and leverage it with their own industry connections and insights to produce meaningful, well-researched consistent content that reaches and converts targeted audiences. That means we do this for you, our readers and clients.
But what does all that mean?
To put it simply, here’s how I, as a product designer and design blogger, view the steps of how Designhounds learn, grow, become informed and then in turn help design your home with the best products out there:
- Designers attend a Designhounds event, or another industry-related event.
- Designers learn about new design products and brands.
- Designers gain insight from what they learn and from each other.
- Designers benefit from the knowledge learned and relationships formed.
- Designers write researched content about said product or brand.
- Designers influence their audience of design professionals and consumers with their content.
- This all converts into a stronger and well-informed design community that in turn directly benefits the brands with which they collaborate and the end-user the consumer.
Sometimes it pays to be small
What exactly is a micro-influencer? We’ve all heard of big celebrity influencers with millions of followers, basically a very large audience. In contrast, a micro-influencer, is an individual with between 2,000 – 5,000 (or many more) followers, and who is considered an expert in their niche. Because they have a smaller audience, they can connect more personally on a deeper level with their followers and in turn generate greater engagement. Engagement simply means dialogue and comments, just like in real-life conversations, but on social media platforms instead. So if you’re a design blogger with an audience of that size and you are consistently creating meaningful content (stuff your audience cares about and is interested in) that helps your audience (followers) than you are considered a micro-influencer. And there are niches within niches.
Designhounds focus is on interior design, kitchen and bath design, and architecture.
How Designhounds got started (note: this is quoted and paraphrased from the Designhounds website)
“In 2011, Modenus Media CEO and Designhounds founder Veronika Miller-Eagleson, driven by her own experiences as designer, blogger and marketer recognized a great need to connect the dots between brands, design professionals and online audiences.” This was way before the whole “Influencer” realm took off in social media. Veronika, in my humble opinion, was way ahead of the curve. She quickly launched Modenus Media’s first Influencer Meetup at the AD Home Design Show in New York City.
What followed was the inaugural BlogTour London with 17 bloggers from the US and Canada at London Design Festival. On a personal note, I remember watching this play out on social media and being truly fascinated by it all! Veronika had the foresight to believe that bloggers had to “look beyond their own backyard in order to explore, discover and share fresh and exciting inspiration” with their own online followers. “A number of brands had joined the tour and very quickly BlogTour went from a single experience to the leader in multi-brand sponsored blogger outreach programs.”
After more than 20 BlogTours and seeing a change in the social landscape, Veronika and her team “expanded the format to be inclusive of design professionals and even journalists” who preferred other social media platforms to blogging and soon BlogTour shifted to the new brand, DesignHounds.
“DesignHounds was officially launched in 2016 once again at London Design Festival as a true “Influencer Program” and has since built momentum with over 100,000 online mentions of the #designhounds hashtag and a series of individual brand campaigns, tours and design retreats to Venice, Milan, Copenhagen and as a regular feature at KBIS, the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show.”
To me, this sums up the influence Designhounds have in the community:
“Today, Designhounds is a close-knit network of over 500 interior, kitchen & bath design professionals that each influence thousands of design professionals and design-savvy homeowners through experience-driven original content that is further amplified through the network itself, Modenus Media platform and syndicated partners.”
For a more in-depth understanding of Designhounds and the significance of the 4th Annual Influencer Awards, please enjoy Designhounds’ Leslie Carothers’ blog post on “WHO & WHAT, EXACTLY, ARE THE #DESIGNHOUNDS AND WHAT ARE THEIR INFLUENCER AWARDS ABOUT?”
Leslie is one of the most influential Designhounds out there and I, as many, have learned a lot from her experience in the design and home furnishings industries.
See more details on SavourPartnership.com/blog.
How A Pillow Designer Became a Designhound
My Backstory
I think if I share a little of my journey to becoming a Finalist in the 2020 Design Hounds Influencer Awards, it may help you understand what all this means and why voting is important. It all boils down to building a design community of trust. That, to me, is what makes Designhounds so valuable to the design industry, brands, consumers, and homeowners.
We all have to start somewhere and my story began in 2014 when I was brand new to blogging. I still had no idea what I was doing (like many first-time bloggers) so I paid $50 to participate in a design blogger design event called “Sneak Peek” up at Dallas Market in January of 2014. To my surprise, I was not the only newbie. Many interior designers were still trying to figure out blogging.
The Email that expanded my world
Then something wonderful happened afterward. I received an email from Veronika Miller-Eagleson, the head of Modenus and the Blog Tours. Before I knew it, I was flying to NYC, on an all-expenses-paid trip on my first Blog Tour. I remember being so shy because I was completely out of my comfort zone, with talented interior designers that had years of experience, and luxury kitchen brands. Here I was, a little pillow artist from Austin, Texas soaking it all up and learning as much as I could.
To this day, that BlogTourNYC in 2014 has been the highlight of my career and most transformative experience as a design blogger. I got hooked for life! The friendships I formed in the group above are lifelong.
The Power of Designhounds Influence
But little did I know then, that I would continue to be a design blogger and grow into a Designhounds Influencer. You see, I think it’s a natural instinct in a field you’re not familiar with to feel like you have absolutely no voice. You have to truly step outside of your comfort zone, before you feel ready, in order to learn and grow. Sometimes it takes an outside professional like founder Veronika Miller-Eagleson to see your potential. Veronika took a chance on me, a new blogger with no kitchen experience whatsoever, and it paid off because I’ve been blogging regularly ever since.
My friend, fellow Designhound, Claire Jefford, says it best – You have to put yourself out there….embrace a “Go For It” attitude, take risks, & come out of your comfort zone. I promise you, the good that comes from it will out weigh any negative pushback you get from the naysayers.
By participating in my first Blog Tour, and writing about the sponsored brands’ involved, I found my voice alongside talented designers and brands that showed me the way. And since that tour I’ve learned more about kitchen design and have blogged for some wonderful luxury brands. See an example sponsored post HERE.
That is the power of Designhounds and why you should be voting for all the Designhounds you know. Each of the 100 Finalists in the 2020 Designhounds Influencer Awards represents a voice in this incredibly powerful design network and together we bring you the best in design.
The importance of the 2020 Designhounds Influencer Awards
There are 500+ designers in the Designhounds network. Some are more active than others. The 100 Finalists were chosen by a team of independent reviewers from several hundred nominations and already placed in one of the 8 categories. To be a finalist in the TOP 100 in itself is quite an honor!
There will be one overall 2020 Designhounds Influencer of the Year award solely by your votes. But for the 8 categories, the voting, which ends Saturday, January 18th, at 5 p.m. (EST) helps determine, with a team of independent reviewers, the winners in of each category:
- Interior Design
- Kitchen Design
- Bath Design
- Interior Styling/Staging/Photography
- Remodeling/Building/Architecture
- Wellness
- Sustainability
- Design Business
Now Let’s Meet Some Designhounds Finalists + VOTE!
Below are a few of the designers available, on short notice, to speak about their experience as part of the Designhounds network and what it means to them. Each is at a different level in their career and social media influence. Some have massive followings and blog 3 times a week. Others have less than 2,000 followers and mostly do Instagram stories.
As Designhounds Influencers, what is most important is that we influence our individual audiences with our expertise, knowledge, and insight through the content we share.
And with Designhounds Influencer Awards, now in it’s 4th year, it is a resounding yes, and your votes help. Veronika Eagleson has brought us together in ways that we could never have dreamed of, and in turn, through events, Award contests, and the content we write, we help strengthen the bonds between designers, brands and consumers which in turns helps strengthen the Designhounds network. We are all in this together and I personally am incredibly grateful to Veronika’s vision and the opportunities of collaboration with brands that she affords us. To me, it’s a win-win network for everyone – bringing designer, brands and consumers together for design.
Some of these designers above are off to a KBIS, the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show, and there will be Designhounds events to attend. This is a great example of how each of these designers, of which all are Finalists, will attend KBIS, learn a ton of information, and bring back to you, consumers and homeowners, the best in design. So be sure to follow them this next week.
The winners of the 2020 Designhounds Influencer Awards will be announced at KBIS on the 21st. But know, that if you are in the TOP 100 you are already a winner in my book, as we all were selected as FINALISTS. Congratulations to everyone!
FINALIST – Emily Clark
Being selected for the KBIS 2020 Designhounds influencer panel is such an opportunity! I will be spending three full days with some of the best design minds and hottest brands in the business! I can’t wait to report on what’s new and noteworthy for the home, and I strongly suspect I will leave the show having made lifelong friends. – Emily Clark, Clark & Co Homes Instagram: @clarkandcohomes
FINALIST – Laura Muller
There are very few organizations in the design-build industry that truly support designers as well (and as enthusiastically) as the Modenus and Designhounds organization does. Being a member of the Designhounds over the last 5 years has positively impacted my business in countless priceless ways. It has provided one-of-a-kind opportunities for me and my team to learn about the brands we specify in the most intimate and in-depth ways possible. These relationships and learning opportunities give us a critical edge in ways that further improve the way we conduct our business and provide service to our clients, thus manifesting an increase in profit and productivity.
There is also a social and inspirational aspect. Perhaps my most favorite perk of being a Designhound has to be the life-and-career-changing opportunities and brand partnerships that have been provided, which has resulted in rich meaningful friendships, incredible travel, increased profit, hands-on experiential events, and expanded resources. I am a Designhound for LIFE. – Laura Muller, Four Point Design Build Instagram: @4ptdesignbuild
FINALIST – Shannon Ggem
Interior designers often work alone, but designhounds brings us together to leverage knowledge, best practices, and vendor awareness. Designhounds creates a path to understanding the story behind a brand. A faucet is no longer an inanimate object to me, it’s a piece of product design, it represents jobs and craftsmanship and design acumen. This is important information when you are recommending design elements to clients. – Shannon Ggem, Ggem Design Co. Instagram: @ggemdesign
FINALIST – Angela Todd
Designhounds is rooted in meaningful connections. I have had the chance to meet so many design professionals who inspire and develop me, and several have become close connections who I regularly speak with outside of tradeshows and events. Designhounds has also connected me to brands, ensuring I am educated about their features and products. Designhounds is quite genius because everyone involved gets what they want and need.
I have grown professionally. I am more visible. I am more connected. I am educated about the latest and greatest. I bring more value to my clients. – Angela Todd, Angela Todd Studios Instagram: @angelatoddstudios
FINALIST – Laurel Bern
For me, I very much enjoy the friends I have made through Designhounds tours. It’s been a wonderful way to network and collaborate with colleagues. The Designhounds network brings us together in different venues and parts of the country in a way that wasn’t possible until the advent of the internet and especially social media. Before that, us designers largely worked in isolation.
So, Designhounds tours serve as a platform to create a community of colleagues. We also receive valuable information about the latest products and in turn bring that information to our clients and potential consumers of kitchen and bath products. – Laurel Bern, Laurel Bern Interiors Instagram: @laurelberninteriors
FINALIST – Lisa Mende
I am so honored to be a member of DesignHounds, which is such an amazing community of over 500 interior, kitchen & bath design professionals. I have had the opportunity to travel to London, Germany, Las Vegas KBIS, and many other design immersions – each providing an opportunity for me to learn about products, places, and people in the design industry. DesignHounds has opened my eyes and educated me on the cutting edge brands available to me as a designer. Therefore, I feel being part of this program has made me a better designer. I’ve had the pleasure of connecting with brands and developing relationships that far exceed any other opportunity for connecting me with my industry.
DesignHounds is also much more than professionals working alongside each other. It is like a family for me. If I have questions about my work, I can always use my connections via DesignHounds to access the leading designers in our industry. Through our collective experiences, we learn more about our industry, our craft and have the awesome opportunity to represent brands and offer our perspective on design, products and industry events. This, in turn, allows us to provide the best design for our clients. I am so appreciative of Veronika Miller Eagleston for creating this opportunity for design professionals, she is a true visionary. – Lisa Mende, Lisa Mende Design Instagram: @lisamendedesign
Please take a moment to look at all of the TOP 100 FINALISTS’ profiles for the 2020 Design Hounds Influencer Awards. And VOTE!!! My dear friend Linda Holt did not have time to give me a quote before she hopped on a plane to attend Maison Objet Paris with fellow Designhounds, but please vote for her HERE.
You can vote once per day and you have, as of Wednesday, 4 more days to vote. Voting ends at 5 p.m. (EST) on Saturday, January 18th.
Please PIN this image below to share these last 4 days of voting with others:
And of course, I would greatly appreciate your vote for me HERE. Thank you!
I have grown so much personally and professionally by writing about design for you and being a member of the Designhounds network. I love to hear your comments and bring you the best of my unique point of view on great product design, home furnishings, lighting design, design events, speakers, panels, architecture, modern homes, color trends, and everything about design to you.
Today, in addition to being an award-winning pillow designer I am a Designhound Influencer in lighting, kitchen, furniture, and home decor and doing some of my own design work with the One Room Challenge. See the brands I collaborated with and my Big Reveal HERE. I would NOT be wearing this leopard dress if not for my professional growth through the support of all Designhounds and one in particular who lived fearlessly, Liza Jane Interiors. I wore this dress to Dallas Market in honor of her. Thank you Leslie Carothers for taking this photo!
And guess what? That confidence paid off and I have several exciting opportunities ahead to provide more great design for you here!
I am forever grateful that I have this opportunity to share what I learn with you. Thank you for your continued support and your votes! (Remember please, once a day through 4 p.m. CST Saturday.) Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post and learn more about Designhounds.
And thank you for your VOTES!
Till next week, when I recap the highlights of Dallas Market and all the great product design I discovered and design tips I learned, please know that your vote matters to us all! Thank you! XO PG
Note: Photography is by the respective person; opinions my own. Logos and banners by Designhounds. Two photos courtesy of Leslie Carothers of Savour Partnership. All Designhounds information is from the Designhounds website.
Sheri Bruneau
Posted at 16:23h, 15 JanuaryWhat a FABULOUS run down of what a #DesignHound is and why it’s so important to our industry! I’ll be sharing this Deborah! Good luck to you.
Deborah Main
Posted at 18:12h, 17 JanuaryThank you so much Sheri!! I’ve been voting for your every day. Appreciate your votes. Design Hounds is an AMAZING network brimming withe talent. I hope we get to meet some day!
Jessica Duce
Posted at 21:35h, 17 JanuaryLove this article.
So informative. I am so proud to be in this list of amazing designhounds finalists. Now I am even more in tune to this honor.
Thanks for sharing – and you got my vote too.
Deborah Main
Posted at 23:42h, 17 JanuaryJessica congratulations on being a Finalist! I feel the same way you do…its an amazing network of talent and a real honor. Veronika does an incredible job supporting everyone. I see you specialize in designing Airbnbs and are based in Spring. We love having our Airbnb in Austin!
Im so glad you enjoyed the article!! Thank you for stopping by the blog and good luck with the contest.
Janet R Lorusso
Posted at 13:30h, 18 JanuaryAh what a great article on the value of #designhounds, Deborah! I’ve been voting for all my friends here regularly and wish you all the best of luck! And no matter who wins, congratulations on the honor of being nominated and on all you learn and share as a result of being a part of this great enterprise!
Deborah Main
Posted at 18:59h, 20 JanuaryThank you Janet! Glad you enjoyed the article. And thanks for the congrats!
It is indeed an honor to even be in the Top 100 finalists. Thank you for your votes which propelled me to Top 25.
It is such an amazing group of talent and thoughtful leaders in our industry. Truly appreciate your support! ❤
Mary Ann Benoit
Posted at 22:13h, 18 JanuaryCongratulations on being a finalist and thanks for sharing more about why this award is so meaningful.!
Deborah Main
Posted at 19:01h, 20 JanuaryThank you Mary Ann! Glad you found the article helpful. It means a lot to me to be a DesignHound, as that’s what helped define my blogging.
Thanks for stopping by the blog!
Lisa Peck
Posted at 10:54h, 19 JanuaryDeborah, Thanks for this informative post. I’ve enjoyed my first experience with being a Design Hounds Finalist and now understand how rich and valuable the design hounds community can be. I enjoyed the insights you and the other design hounds shared about what this community has meant to you!
Deborah Main
Posted at 19:04h, 20 JanuaryHi Lisa. I’m so glad you liked it and congrats on being a Designhound finalist. I voted for you every day.
You will find as you interact more with the other DesignHounds it is such an insightful, supportive community. I’m glad you enjoyed hearing other designers perspectives too.
Thank you for stopping by the blog and Happy New Year!
mitzi beach
Posted at 08:45h, 20 JanuaryOh my goodness Deborah, what an extensive post on Design Hounds that was top notch explaining what it is to actually be a Design Hounds influencers. Well done!
I loved your repeating what Veronilka has highlighted regarding micro-influencers. It is true, while we may be smaller in reach, our intereaction is valued by those to do follow our expertieses.
Congrats on your nomination and votes!
Deborah Main
Posted at 19:07h, 20 JanuaryThank you Mitzi! So glad you found it to explain who Designhounds are and how valuable they are as micro-influencers. Everyone thinks it’s about numbers, but more and more the consumer and brands are seeing quality over quantity is sometimes far more important.
Thanks for your congrats too. Very honored!
Posted at 18:23h, 19 February[…] colleagues and fellow Designhounds, Deborah Main (see Deborah’s informative post here), thank you for including my personal thoughts and what it means to me to be a part of this […]
Deborah Main
Posted at 18:39h, 19 FebruaryYou’re most welcome Laura. Thank you for sharing my post and Congratulations on finishing in the Top 25!!