17 Jun Friday Flowers & Trim – Blue & White
It’s been a difficult week in American history, and, like me, I know many of you have struggled with a range of emotions over the most shocking tragedy in Orlando. I was filled with anger, sadness, you name it. I didn’t know what to think or do, so I turned off the TV and planted this simple blue ceramic bowl with flowers and greenery. Getting my hands in the dirt helped me feel connected to our earth, our world and life itself. It was a simple gesture that helped me cope.
In today’s Friday Flowers & Trim I bring to you blue and white and the many soft shades of blue in this short vase of hydrangea dappled in the late afternoon sun. I love the bountifulness of hydrangea. They’re so beautiful! Its like a flower filled with as many petals as possible on one single stem, like a giant pom pom of happiness.
I’d like to dedicate this week’s Friday Flowers & Trim to the beauty in each of the 49 lives that were lost that day.
I’m still working my way through organizing hundreds of vintage French trim filled with an array of texture and color to make room for it in my tiny studio, but it’s coming along. As you can see there’s still tons of trim in the bottom corners of this image waiting to find a spot on the shelves.
I love this blue and white one below because to me it’s so classically French. I use these trims like a painter uses paints. This one inspired me to create a pretty design on white linen in my NEW “Linen & Wood” Series of artisan pillows that will be shipped to Dallas for Dallas Total Home & Gift Market next week. If you’re attending market, please be sure to sign up HERE for our quarterly newsletter and market announcements as we have a Pillow Party going on Friday June 24th and you’re invited! (Side note to all my friends and supporters in Austin. You won’t miss out as we will have a fun Pillow Party sometime this summer here at my studio.)
Please enjoy the other beautiful vintage French trim below. Whenever I’m in my studio creating my art, it blocks out the rest of the world and I find peace and comfort playing with all my vintage textiles and trim. I hope this week’s Friday Flowers & Trim gives you some comfort and inspires you too! XOPG
P.S. If you’d like to start collecting your own vintage trim, I am culling trim and textiles in my studio and now have an Etsy shop called pillowgoddess. Each week I’ll be adding different trim and textiles that I enjoy working with in my pillow creations, but ones I can part with. Please check out my new Etsy shop, as I’d love you to experience the thrill of working with this delicious vintage French trim as I do.
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