31 Oct How to Transform Your Space with Colorful Wallpaper and Rugs | One Room Challenge | Fall 2020 | Week 4
Happy Halloween and welcome to Week 4 of the fall One Room Challenge – a week full of twists and turns, rapid decisions, several Fed Ex deliveries – all creating exciting changes to my Living Room Salon Makeover. I have two fantastic brand partners, celebrating anniversaries this year, to share with you this week. This is a long one, so grab a cocktail and hang on tight, as I have a lot of beautiful ground (and walls) to cover to help you catch up with my Living Room Salon makeover. In addition, learn all the ins and outs of the selection process so you too can transform your space with colorful wallpaper and rugs. Plus ten Pillow Goddess Bonus Tips!
Catch up with my Living Room Salon Makeover
If you’re new to the blog, welcome! I’m Deborah Main, The Pillow Goddess, and I’m a Guest Participant in my fourth One Room Challenge (ORC) re-decorating our Living Room Salon. The fall ORC is sponsored by High Point Market, with color impact partner Sherwin Williams and media partner is Better Homes & Gardens.
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4
Follow other designer participants rooms
This fall’s ORC is a star-studded group of designers with twenty Featured Designers designing one room by having virtually, and in-person shopped the October High Point Market. Each designer is creating a virtual room (some even with fictitious clients and personalities!) with beautiful products they spotted at High Point. Below, see products found at High Point by one Featured Designer, my friend interior designer Jana Donohoe of Jana Donohoe Designs. Follow @janadonohoedesigns.

Some products found at High Point Market by Featured Designer, Jana Donohoe. Photography by Jana Donohoe.
In addition, there are over 200+ Guest Participants designing one room in real-time, as I write this. Please look through all of these designers on the One Room Challenge blog and get inspired to freshen up your own home. Check out below, powerhouse designer Christine Kohut Interiors, who moved cross country, and back again, with her trusty dog Ozzy, only to jump into the ORC. Read about how “Flocking Flocked” she’s getting…what a hoot! Follow @christinekohutinteriors.
Fed Ex truck daily appearance
Week 4 was a wild one! But so was Week 3 as you can see HERE.
Remember how I was consumed, and moderately stressed out, having to make a fabric decision in 24 hours? (okay, I admit, I was majorly stressed out!)
The deadline was so our partners Mitchell Fabrics and Vitalia, Inc. could get started immediately, with only two weeks left, making the custom window treatments for our Living Room Salon.
Well, those rapid decisions did not stop! This week they happened on Monday and Tuesday. Let’s just say I’m glad the fabric decision is behind me and I can’t wait to see the custom drapery!
And thank God for my friend and neighbor, Sandy Alvarez, on standby. The minute the Fed Ex truck arrived, with my third round of wallpaper samples, I called her and she was here in a nanosecond.
Then even more decision-making began!
I’m truly sorry that this week there was literally not a minute to spare to get your input. I had to make a decision on both the wallpaper and rug the exact same day and get my selection to the brand partners immediately. But you’re in luck, cause not only do I have photo documentation of the process, but you also get a peek. A tad blurry, but that’s because I don’t want you to see it all until the Big Reveal Nov 11 – 15th. So mark your calendars!
Meet two of our incredible brand partners!
I can’t tell you how incredibly excited I am to work with these two amazing brands! Both of them are highly regarded in the interior design community and create a top-quality product. York Wallcoverings is sponsoring the wallpaper for our entryway (which is one small wall in our living room, as our front door opens right into the living room) and Nourison is sponsoring the rug. Thank you so much! I am very grateful for your generosity and enthusiasm in supporting my Living Room Salon Makeover for the fall One Room Challenge.
Now let’s see where we left off in Week 3 and I’ll share what I’ve accomplished in Week 4. Then, on to the exciting world of these incredible brands.
When the schedule goes out the window
First off, I am not at all on schedule with my plan from Week 1. Week 3 was spent deciding the fabric for the window treatments and I thought THAT was hard! Wooeee, try then making a final decision on wallpaper AND a rug at the same time in 24 hours.
Oh, I had plenty of time to look. But once you go down that rabbit hole of seeing beautiful design after beautiful design, well then, I personally had a very hard time selecting just one. Remember, I’m a luxury pillow designer, and the reason I make one-of-a-kind pillows is because I get to select a new textile and trim every single time. And, having lived in our home for 36 years now, we are not going to remodel again. No pressure, right?!? I kept telling myself, they’re all beautiful, you can’t go wrong with any of them, just pick. That was much easier said than done.

York Wallcoverings’ Stylemakers Series includes stripes and florals by friends, the Madcap Cottage boys. This is one of my favorite rooms. Photography by York Wallcoverings.
Pillow Goddess Tip #1 – Hire an Interior Designer
I want to stress a very important point here. THIS is is why you hire an interior designer, so they can either do it all for you or help you make a selection. My in-house interior designer and dearest friend, Patrick Landrum of P&L/Patrick Landrum Design, who has been a great help as a consultant, was sick (thankfully not with the virus) and literally has been out of commission the entire time I’ve had to make decisions. (I’m so relieved he’s all better now; great timing P! Wink.) He and my friends and family can tell you, I am NOT a very decisive person. I can usually decide between A and B. But give me umpteen choices of gorgeous wallpaper and rugs and it boggles my mind!!
So much that I must have looked at their websites a zillion times over the past couple of weeks and made collages on PicLab (thank God for PicLab) so I could try to imagine the wallpaper and rug in my living room. But often that can confuse things because the colors on your computer screen are not necessarily the colors in real life.
Pillow Goddess Tip #2 – Be sure to order wallpaper samples
The wallpaper selection process
Here’s where I started with the entryway wall below. This is one accent wall in our living room for which I’m selecting wallpaper. (I know, some designers deplore accent walls, but I like them.)
Should be easy, right? Yes, be assured, that with all the gorgeous patterns and tools York Wallcoverings offer, you “can” make your wallpaper selection very easy. But that’s for a normal person. I am not normal. My design process takes a lot of time to think about it, think through how it will look with all the other colors and texture and furnishings in our living room. Not to mention the breakfast nook and kitchen.
Let’s go modern
So my initial thinking was that I would add modern wallpaper to our entryway. For two reasons – first, it would help our living room filled with family antiques feel a bit more transitional, and second, work best with the newly remodeled kitchen, modern bar, and breakfast nook.
Below is one of my all-time favorite modern York Wallcoverings by designer Candice Olson, Velocity. I LOVE this wallpaper in the black/gold and spent the first couple of weeks mulling over the modern designs on my wall in many different geometric patterns.
This was even before the Nathan Anthony Chablis chair was delivered. So I had lots of time to think and I needed to consider the entryway wallpaper as a backdrop for the gorgeous Nathan Anthony chair – See Week 2.
Below are the modern ones on the left side of the vintage gold mirror and one of my all-time favorite pattern, a bit more traditional, Canopy. on the right side. (Note: the modern patterns, particularly the metallics I was not able to see on my wall, but wait for it….The Visualizer is coming!)
Canopy, like many of York Wallcoverings’ gorgeous wallpaper designs, comes in six different colorways, and I ordered three samples. I immediately loved this beautiful aqua blue color with its metallic leaves. I always love a little shimmer and there’s some metallic in most of the modern ones too. YAY, I thought! I was on the right path. It will be a piece of cake selecting wallpaper – easy peasy!
But here’s the deal with our Living Room Salon. Yes, it is filled with family heirloom antiques, but the kitchen has been updated and the bar is a modern design with a porcelain countertop. Also, we have modern pendants over the bar. One of the whole points in re-decorating the living room is to make it more contemporary so modern wallpaper would help do that, right? Not necessarily. Sometimes thinking outside the box helps.
Pillow Goddess Tip #3 – When in doubt, order more wallpaper samples
Here’s the entryway in a more classic pattern like the Canopy pattern above.
A you see, the color was beautiful and the leaves shimmered, but the sample was much darker than the picture of this wallpaper you see above my photo.
Let’s stick with traditional classics
The part I struggled with the most is that at heart, my design aesthetic is traditional. I was born and raised on the east coast and grew up with wallpaper and antiques in every room. I am very lucky to have the majority of our home filled with beautiful antique furniture that dates back to my Great Aunt Adelaide Main, whom I’m named after and my grandparents. Check out my first ORC, the Bold Blue & White Bedroom that I designed around three pieces of my mother’s bedroom set.
As much as I wanted to go modern, the entryway wall has a very classical feel to it with an antique drop-leaf Shaker table given to my parents on their wedding day, then to us on ours, and a vintage gold mirror and prints from my grandmother. And I love the look!
How about modern and classic at the same time with an oversized trellis pattern?
Pillow Goddess Tip #4 – York Wallcoverings offers it all!
From modern to floral, blue to mustard, and the birds and the bees, York Wallcoverings has a huge variety of wallcoverings to choose from and designer series as well. And every color and pattern imaginable.
Below is an array of York wallpaper samples I ordered.

First batch of modern wallpaper from partner York Wallcoverings.

Second batch of modern wallpaper samples from partner York Wallcoverings.

Floral wallpaper samples from partner York Wallcoverings.

Final batch of both large and small scale bird and flower wallpaper samples by partner York Wallcoverings.
I know what you’re thinking – I drove York Wallcoverings crazy by ordering over 40 wallpaper samples! Okay, by the third round I was feeling guilty, so I offered to pay for the Fed Ex. I knew I had to have this last round of wallpaper samples to rule out certain patterns and come down to a few from which to make my final decision.
How to shop by category for wallpaper
Did I tell you yet that when you shop for wallpaper on York Wallcoverings website you have five ways to shop? You can even look through all of these and still find designs you missed, as there are so many stunning wallpapers, in every pattern and color you can think of.
- Shop by collection
- Shop by product type
- Shop by theme
- Shop by color
- Shop by brand
Should I go light or dark?
Another major struggle I had internally was whether to have a white background to keep the Living Room Salon lighter, or go dark, which would add more drama. Or, do neither and go for BOLD color!
Let me tell you, if you’re mind is not a jumbled mess by now, that’s fine, cause mine has been for weeks. And the main reason is that York Wallcoverings has such gorgeous wallpaper in every category that I loved them all and could not decide.
The Pillow Goddess Stretch break – About York Wallcoverings
Celebrating 125 Years – York Wallcoverings celebrates life-defining style for over a century
Founded in 1895, York Wallcoverings has not only the experience of producing high-quality wallpaper, but is one of the only printing companies in the world to operate and own five different types of printing presses – some dating back to the turn of the century. As a result, with York Wallcoverings proudly made in the USA, they can produce a beautiful “painterly effect that cannot be duplicated by modern presses.” In addition, York Wallcoverings continues to produce distinctive, stunning designs alongside the new state-of-the-art printing presses.
I wonder, since my grandmother had wallpaper in every room of her historic home in Jenkintown, PA, whether or not it was York Wallcoverings. I bet you it was.
Designed to inspire
To experience York Wallcoverings is to first understand their values. York is dedicated to maintaining the integrity that 125 years of heritage imparts. Exceptional manufacturing experience, archival knowledge and mastery of design combine to provide the strength from which springs fresh, innovative designs crafted to inspire creativity and define personal identity. York is truly designed to inspire.
York really stands alone, above and beyond many of its peers, in experience and knowledge. With authentic, genuine handcrafting and artisanship dating back more than a century, working hand in hand with the latest technology and machinery, York Wallcoverings services the interior design industry with the finest wallpaper in product innovation and style across the world.
Top 10 reasons you should choose York Wallcoverings
- York is the exclusive provider of rare Surface Print technologies in North America,
- York is the only manufacturer with all five wallpaper printing types housed under one roof.
- York has a commitment to the environment using nonpolluting water-based inks, low VOC emissions and substrates sourced from managed forests.
- York’s products are rigorously tested maintaining sustainability and renewability.
- York’s production facilities maintain the highest standards for employee protections and labor guidelines.
- York is wallpaper central, with authority that combines technical expertise and unmatched design mastery
- York has values to admire – dedication and integrity.
- York understands you and the art of design, touching every level of both consumer and interior design professional with a broad range of offerings and design solutions.
- York pushes boundaries with innovation designed to reimagine and redefine the world of wallcoverings.
- York Wallcoverings is simply exquisite and The Pillow Goddess highly recommends their product and customer service!
Congratulations to York Wallcoverings for being nominated for two Best of Year (BOY) awards with their Garden Party and Kaleidoscope (above) patterns; winners announced November 6th. I was really drawn to this blue Kaleidoscope pattern!
I love how York Wallcoverings celebrates American industry, artistry, and culture through the visual medium of style in such a vast assortment of traditional and modern wallpapers. With the core strength of people, York Wallcoverings always has their eyes looking toward the future. You can trust and count on York Wallcoverings to be ahead of the curve, “knowing what’s new, what’s now, and what’s next” in innovation, technologies and global design. I really felt this as I scrolled through hundreds of wallpaper patterns.
I’m excited and honored to partner with York Wallcoverings and I can’t wait for you to see which wallpaper I selected. Watch for the Big Reveal on November 11 – 15th. And learn more about York Wallcoverings with this exciting video: York Wallcoverings.
My favorite part is watching the wallpaper roll off their machines. One day I would love to visit their headquarters and tour their factory.
Your stretch break is over – I warned you I had a lot to share!
Pillow Goddess Tip #5 – The Visualizer
Now, let’s continue, shall we? I’m super excited to tell you about one handy tool that I absolutely love on York Wallcoverings website – The Visualizer! Oh boy, did I have fun with that! You’re only going to see a few samples in this post, but I can tell you in all honesty, there are hundreds on my phone. I am not kidding!
With York’s handy visualizer, here are a few of my favorites as I struggled with whether or not to go light, dark, or a color for the background of the wallpaper.
This one, the Peacock Unpasted, was one of my faves from the get-go. It comes in 7 different colors. I dreamed of this midnight blue, but then thought, well, won’t that make the living room too dark? Okay, I’ll try it in a white background too.
As you can see, the lighter background presents an entirely different mood and feel for the entryway. The wallpaper pattern is beautiful and, evidently, really popular in the dark colors because it is currently out of stock. So I tried a lot of different wallpapers in many different patterns and colors.
Yes, it began to get a tad overwhelming and far more complicated than when I started. (Note: remember, I did not have my interior designer to bounce these off of, but I did have my best friend Andrea in Vermont. I swear I wore her out! She said, “Aren’t you being a little OCD about this?” HA! That was an understatement.) But with every wallpaper I was inspired, so I persevered.
Casual or elegant?
Here’s another example of a dark, light, and color pattern, Garden Plume. I loved it for its bold brashness, large-scale peacocks, and the rich black background. You see how different it is from the swatch of the pattern to putting it on your wall with the visualizer?
Then I tried the light blue which I thought was so pretty. But soon, any pattern with color made it feel like a bedroom and I definitely didn’t want that look for the entryway to our Living Room Salon.
Selecting wallpaper is as challenging as selecting a paint color
I tried, what seemed like, hundreds of designs using the helpful visualizer tool on the York Wallcoverings website. Many of the modern patterns, and a few classic ones, did not have the visualizer. Soon it became clear that too many flowers and pink colors were not going to give me the look I was striving for in our entryway of the Living Room Salon – a moody, cozy but light and elegant feel.
Pillow Goddess Tip #6 – View your wallpaper along with your other nearby rooms
I thought, okay, I’ll just stick with something safe and easy, a classic pattern, like this lovely off-white Plume pattern in blue and white. But then I recalled my designer Patrick telling me:
Remember, you will see your bold blue and white geometric wallpaper from the living room, so they have to work together.
I’m glad I remembered that advice because it helped me realize that this pattern, while I really liked it, was going to be blue and white and not offer any other dimension or color to the entryway. Plus I didn’t want to merely duplicate the bedroom blue and white in the Living Room. I wanted green and teal in there too, to coordinate with the kitchen and breakfast nook colors.
It was hard to let this one go because the branches created a diamond pattern like the Kravet fabric on the chair and ottoman. It’s always nice to repeat various patterns and colors in your designs.
It’s time to fish or cut bait
Thank God, Nourison contacted me offering to sponsor a rug exactly at the point in time that I had to make the wallpaper decision. I had all the wallpaper samples I could possibly want and it was time to decide.
Below is my dear friend Sandy with many of the wallpaper samples up on the wall, while I was at my computer bringing up the names of the wallpapers and rug designs so we could analyze each for its appropriateness for the Living Room Salon. It was a great system that helped us a lot.
To my surprise, we only spent one hour coming up with the final decision! Can you believe that? What are friends for, right? Thank you Sandy!
You decide! Did I go bold or classic or both?
Wallpaper can completely transform a room and to me is a very important decision, even for a small accent wall. It has power. Either through its color, pattern, intensity, or all three.
Now that you’ve seen my agonizing process in deciding wallpaper, you will have to wait until the Big Reveal to see what I chose. In all honesty, even though I visualize a lot of my design in my head, and I made collages to help me even further, I truly don’t know how my design decisions are going to come together for the Big Reveal. I’m as eager as you to find out!
Pillow Goddess Tip #7 – go with what you love; trust your gut
My point in sharing my painstaking process is that you sometimes have to go with your gut. Some people know what they like the minute they see it. I thought I was that kind of person.
However, with so many gorgeous choices it became more challenging than I thought. I love many different patterns, colors, and textures. When it comes to textiles I love it all. During this process, I learned that that is true for me with wallpaper as well and it’s best for me as a designer to have a limited amount of choices.
I hope this helps you take the plunge into selecting colorful wallpaper for your home. Trust me, you will decide much quicker than I did!
Nourison to the Rescue – traditional or contemporary rug?
Rugs can add drama to a room like in the above photo of the Mediterranean Sand rug designed for Nourison by design icon Christopher Guy. What a stunning, elegant, and dreamy living room! Christopher Guy’s design work is legendary and has always captivated me. I feel so blessed I was able to meet him in person at Las Vegas Market in 2014, as sadly he recently passed away from cancer this year. He is such a great loss, but his kindness, humanity, and brilliant designs will live on and continue to inspire us.
I feel like having to decide the rug at the exact time I had to decide the wallpaper really helped me focus. Actually, I know there are design rules to follow and I’ve heard that in the design world you decide the rug first. Well, since when did I ever follow design rules!
Plus, when you’re working with sponsors for your One Room Challenge, you never know the timing during the six weeks for when you’ll need to make a decision. I was lucky with York Wallcoverings because they partnered with me early on so I had a lot of time (probably too much!) to think through the wallpaper. I also had already decided on the fabric for the drapery in Week 3.
Pillow Goddess Tip #8 – Be creative with an artistic rug
Window treatments, wallpaper, and a rug are three interior design choices that really anchor a room. They also are the decisions that can set the mood for your space. In addition, they give you plenty of opportunities to take design risks. It’s easy for me to take a design risk on a pillow; much more challenging with an entire room. Our Living Room Salon is the final space for the trio of rooms – kitchen, breakfast nook, living room – in the front of our vintage home. In many ways it’s been the most challenging.
Pillow Goddess Tip #7 – Set the mood for your space with a Nourison rug
I knew the mood I wanted for our Living Room Salon was elegant yet cozy and comfortable, as it’s where we relax after our own family dinner and when we entertain with guests. I also work in the breakfast nook looking out into the living room.
The big decision with rugs today is whether or not to go traditional or contemporary. Often there are transitional styles as well.
Nourison had no shortage of rugs from which to choose. From modern to traditional, and transitional, I tried several options with a few different wallpapers and also fabrics when I was deciding on the drapery fabric in Week 3. Of course, all with kittie approval!
Below is a Nourison modern and traditional rug with wallpaper. I even wanted to see it with our Crossville Studios’ kitchen tile and some gorgeous Valentino fabric I’d like to make pillows with. I love the brilliant, dynamic blue in both of these Nourison rugs!
Below, along with a fabric sample from partner Mitchell Fabrics, is one of my top picks from the vast array of gorgeous rugs by partner Nourison. It’s a classic traditional blue medallion rug but updated with contemporary colors and a lovely distressed look, the Nourison Grafix Blue and White Medallion rug.
I’ll be perfectly upfront with you. I am not daring enough to go with a modern rug in a traditional living room. But I will say that I have been daring with the color of the rug I chose. I had to factor in four pieces of furniture and the living room and breakfast nook. And you will too, depending on which room your shopping for a rug:
- the vintage dark blue velvet sofa
- the new Chablis chair by partner Nathan Anthony
- the corner chair and ottoman re-upholstered in the blue geometric fabric by sponsor Kravet, and
- the new green velvet set of chairs we finally bought for our breakfast nook table
We finally bought a pair of lush green velvet chairs for our faux marble pedestal table in the breakfast nook and they go beautifully with the living room, so I had to take them into consideration too.
Pillow Goddess Tip #9 – Liven up your space with a bold colorful rug
These two Nourison rugs below are bold and full of color. I absolutely love the rich color and patterns!
The above gorgeously bold blue and green rug, designed by interior designer Shay Geyer for Nourison, was part of a huge launch a few years ago of the Portfolio Collection. That collection featured high-end area rugs created by five design talents and crafted by Nourison.
The five interior designers include:
- Kim Scodro,
- Scot Meacham Wood,
- Woodson and Rummerfield,
- Catherine and Justine Macfee and
- Shay Geyer
This last rug is in one of my favorite ORC rooms designed by interior designer Beth Diana Smith. I love everything about her living room!

Nourison “Passionate” rug in the living room designed by Beth Diana Smith for the One Room Challenge. Photography by Mike Vantassell.
Nourison at 40 – See what’s next!
Nourison, a leading floor covering and home accents manufacturer, kicked off 2020 with new abstract designs, texture, and indoor/outdoor area rugs. They also celebrated new introductions with their CALVIN KLEIN Balian collection and best-selling Twilight and Passion collections.
I considered the stunning Twilight blue/grey rug and the Passion Navy/ivory rugs below for our Living Room Salon Makeover.
In addition, Nourison released at the October High Point Market two new designs (below) in their new Prismatic Collection.
The Prismatic rug collection is unique featuring captivating vivid colors splashed across the surface like a painter does on a canvas. How inspiring and invigorating!
Nourison is highly regarded in the design industry for their area rugs, broadloom carpets, and home accessories at multiple price points from low all the way to luxury designer rugs. Nourison is one of the few “fully vertically integrated companies in its segment” where they oversee almost every aspect of the manufacturing process of their beautiful rugs.
As a result, Nourison has fast delivery to market and ships more than 95 percent of its product orders within 48 hours. Now that is fast!
Pillow Goddess Tip #10 – Have fun and take risks when selecting wallpaper and rugs for your spaces!
Plus their focus on customer service (which I must say is incredible!) has helped Nourison become a valued partner within the home furnishings and hospitality industries to both retailers and interior designers.
Founded in New York by brothers Alex, Stephen, and Paul Peykar in 1980, Nourison is still a family-owned company. Its product assortment includes licensed collections from well-known brands such as CALVIN KLEIN, Kathy Ireland, Waverly, Christopher Guy, and more.
Take a look and see if you can select just ONE rug! Shop Nourison’s website and follow them on Instagram. It’s not so easy when you’re faced with such a wide variety of beauty – stunning, colorful rugs in exquisite, unique patterns by Nourison. I’m honored to partner with them and grateful they are sponsoring a rug for our Living Room Salon.
Follow my Living Room Salon Makeover on Instagram @thepillowgoddess and @oneroomchallenge with the hashtags #oneroomchallenge #thepillowgoddess and #BHGORC . Next week, Week 5, I’llmintroduce you to a few more brand partners, including one that hopped on board yesterday in the 11th hour, Outragious Interiors.
I love it when brands see such an opportunity in collaborating with design influencers. In fact, just two days ago I heard that one of our brand partners had a new client register with them after reading about their beautiful fabrics on The Pillow Goddess blog – that was exciting news!
Please Subscribe to The Pillow Goddess blog HERE and get it right in your in-box!
I know this blog post was extra long on top of my already long blog posts. In reality, it is two posts in one! If you’re still with me, thank you for reading my blog. There is only one more week before the Big Reveal, and I wanted to share all I’ve been learning about these two brand partners.
Please be sure to look at their websites, York Wallcoverings and Noursison to discover more designs, and even directions on how to hang wallpaper. And follow their social media: @yorkwallcoverings @nourison. Also, remember to visit the One Room Challenge blog to see Week 4 for over 250 featured and guest designers!
Oh I almost forgot!
What’s left to do – everything!
- Coat entryway wall and install wallpaper on Tues
- Rest up for the big last push in Week 5
- Ordered Couture Lamps ✔ so they should be arriving
- Ordered Nourison rug ✔so it should be arriving
- Ordered York Wallcoverings wallpaper and it already arrived, yay!! Done ✔ See my Instagram Stories
- Ship leopard fabric back to brand partner
- Cut and sew tablecloth with Cotton & Quill fabric
- Watch for delivery of china from Replacements, Ltd.
- Oh forgot, I have to clear all furniture from the living room and clean it top to bottom to prepare for all the new items
- Keep reminding David to nurture our house plants for photo shoot
- Reschedule photo shoot- done ✔
- Order drapery hardware – done ✔
- Order new coffee table – done ✔
- Order green velvet chairs- done + arrived ✔
- Assemble green velvet chairs
- Take apart bar stools
- Paint and register bar stools
- Find gold home decor
- Secure crystal sponsor and place order ✔
- Remind upholstered to deliver chair
- Did I forget anything??
Till next time, Week 5, when I introduce you to 5 more sponsors and share my excitement for the breakfast nook tablescape I’m putting together for you, please enjoy this pretty fall weather and remember to vote on this important election day, November 3rd. Stay safe and well my friends, XO PG
Note: This blog post is sponsored by York Wallcoverings and Nourison, as well as the other partnering brands below. All photos of wallpaper and Rugs (except with the visualizer and Piclab) are by the respective brands; opinions are my own.
Christine Kohut Interiors
Posted at 06:44h, 01 NovemberW.O.W. That was a lot of useful info! I can’t believe how many terrific brands you’re working with. That’s a true testament to your hard work! Oh and thanks for the shout out and the pic of Ozzy! That was super flocking sweet!!
Deborah Main
Posted at 23:48h, 01 NovemberThank you Christine! I’m glad you enjoyed it. It is a lot of work, but so worth it. My partners are such fantastic brands! I love working with their teams and promoting their gorgeous products in my home. It truly is an honor!
Ozzy is too adorable!! Can’t wait to see your Flocking Room!!
Thank you for stopping by the blog! 🙂
Leslie Carothers
Posted at 07:41h, 01 NovemberThis is like reading a great long chapter in the *book of your home*, Deb. I can’t imagine having to make these choices so quickly, but I’m glad you were able to do it, and I am looking forward to seeing how it all comes together!
Deborah Main
Posted at 23:51h, 01 NovemberIt is certainly a mini novel for sure!! Lol 😃 It has been challenging to make these tough decisions with so many gorgeous options. Thank you for following along Leslie. I look forward to seeing how it all comes together too!
I so ppreciate your support!
Janet Lorusso
Posted at 15:21h, 01 NovemberFantastic choices, Deb! I love that black background Plume paper – so dramatic!
Deborah Main
Posted at 23:53h, 01 NovemberThanks Janet! I love that one too and the black background. We’ll see if what I chose adds drama to the room. I hope so!
Sheri Bruneau
Posted at 16:56h, 01 NovemberDecisions, decisions….I’m sure you space is going to be just perfect for you! I’m really looking forward to seeing how it all comes together!
Deborah Main
Posted at 23:54h, 01 NovemberMost of the Big decisions are done, phew!! I too am looking forward to seeing how it all works together. Thank you Sheri!
Lisa A Peck
Posted at 17:42h, 01 NovemberLove the bold patterns you are considering. Can’t wait to see the final room
Deborah Main
Posted at 23:55h, 01 NovemberThank you Lisa! I’m not sure it was the best decision to go bold, but we will find out soon enough! Thx for stopping by the blog!
Samantha Regan
Posted at 07:24h, 02 NovemberSo many beautiful wallpaper options 😍. York has the best! Can’t wait to see how everything comes together
Deborah Main
Posted at 22:24h, 02 NovemberThank you so much Samantha!! Yes, they really do. I could have selected at least 20-30 that would have been perfect for the wall. Feel very fortunate to have the privilege to choose one of their gorgeous patterns.
Thanks for stopping by the blog!
Jewel Marlowe
Posted at 04:55h, 03 NovemberThe suspense is killing me🤣. You are such a tease. Can’t wait to see what you do!
Deborah Main
Posted at 10:36h, 10 NovemberHa!!! Thank you so much Jewel!! I revealed the wallpaper, so that’s a start! Cant wait to see your ORC too!
Thanks for stopping by the blog. ❤