28 Mar 10 Pro Designer Tips to Create an Inviting Home Office Space
Our lives have been postponed. That’s how it feels in a way, doesn’t it? It’s a new world we live in now. Life is uncertain. We’re all having to radically adjust. And we’re afraid. Fear is expected in times of a Pandemic, but what can we do at home to help stabilize our lives? If you’re like me, a designer and blogger who already works from home, you’re already used to being home, but everything feels a bit off. Like, what day is it? Or, you and your husband are both suddenly forced to work from home. It’s a very stressful time. It can feel incredibly overwhelming. So I’m here to distract you and give you a tiny reprieve from life’s worries. Please take a moment today to learn 10 Pro Designer Tips to Create an Inviting Home Office Space from some of my favorite interior designers. Let yourself unwind for a few minutes to be inspired. You never know when inspiration takes you in an entirely new direction.
But first, I want to talk about the elephant in the room, the Pandemic.
When life suddenly changes
We’re all having to adapt in some new way or another. My husband, a college professor and not computer savvy, was totally stressed out at spring break. Then the college offered him a mentor to help learn how to put his in-person classes online. Now he’s much calmer.
If you work in an office, most likely it’s closed and you’re now working from home. Where? Maybe on the kitchen table or you might still be trying to figure that out. Some of you have kids you need to home school as well, so they might need part of the kitchen table.
This is hard for all of us. Kids were asked to move out of college almost overnight. Seniors are missing graduations. Our children’s lives and schedules have been completely upended and as parents we need to be strong for them. But we have our own needs as well.
As adults, our worlds have radically changed. You may own a restaurant and have to lay off employees. Or you yourself have been laid off. You may suddenly be without a paycheck and not know how you will make ends meet. If you’re an entrepreneur, designer or artist, you may be having to reinvent your entire business on the spot.
You also might be used to working alone and now with everyone home, you’re finding it incredibly hard to focus. I know I am! It could be absolute mayhem in your home.
Welcome to the club. Membership is simple – to be a human being on our world today.
I really feel for everyone. Because each of us has different circumstances we are facing. I want you to know I am here for you.
Remember, globally, we are all going through the same crisis and you are not alone.
When fear comes knocking on your door
Let’s not forget the anxiety level and our mental health. You may have a family member or a friend who has the virus. You may even know someone on the front lines, caring for patients in a hospital.
This Pandemic is hitting closer to home (our son lives in NYC) and it’s scary. Because none of us really knows the ending to this story. While there’s state and federal help on the way for families and businesses, the only real fact out there, is that we know its going to get worse before it gets better. That’s a tough reality for us as a society to face. But we’re strong and together we will.
True Confessions
I do not have my act together. If you’re an unorganized person, I’m just like you. I’m only now, during these first two weeks of “Shelter in Place”, finishing up work deadlines. So I haven’t even had time to collect my thoughts or think about the future. Nor, as others with time on their hands, clean out closets or do the fun stuff like baking.
One thing I feel incredibly guilty about, is I am not making masks. There I said it. I have a health condition, and unfortunately, I’m in a relapse, so I’m not able to make masks right now or find my sewing machine in the mess of my studio. I feel bad about it. But I trust there are thousands of sewers out there. I admire all the makers and manufacturers who have risen to meet the mask shortage challenge and are whipping them out like crazy. Because we all know those doctors and nurses and others on the frontline need our support. Thank you!!!
Do what you can do and what’s best for you and your family
All you and I can do is what we can do. For me, that’s being with my family (we’re lucky our daughter is at home visiting), limiting my dose of news, and focusing on my health and safety.
And we can all do the single most important thing to help our country, STAY HOME.
So if you need more time to process everything that’s going on in your life, take it. As for now, there’s plenty of it. Just “be.” Its okay to not have the answers or know the path forward.
Creating Healthy Routines.
I’m not really one to panic, but I know that we are right on the edge and so it’s important we create a healthy routine at home and get the rest we need. Have I done it yet? No, not really. But I’m hoping to use my birthday month, April, to do some things that are nurturing like gardening and baking.
I have taken on the duty of “Designated Online Grocery Shopper.” My husband and I decided we don’t even want to risk our daughter going to get groceries, so were having them delivered.
My Grocery Ordering Tip? Order after 1 a.m. That’s when pickup and delivery slots open. So, I order. Some kind person delivers. My husband disinfects. There you have it, we at least have one routine in place!
Creating your own office space
I also plan to rest up so I have more energy to tackle my husband’s office, non-office, storage unit, whatever you want to call it. It is a MESS!
I’m sure, if you don’t have a home office, you are scrambling to figure out some office space too.
10 Pro Designer Tips to Create an Inviting Home Office Space
Today I want to share some pretty home offices with you and tips from top interior designers. These women know how to take a mess of a room and transform it into a beautiful work space. I tried putting their tips into some sort of format, because some of them naturally overlap, but I too am having trouble focusing. So, I’m sharing them in a way that I hope is helpful.
Please follow these designers on social media, check out their websites and their blogs because I know they’ve got even more design inspiration and helpful tips. Also feel free to reach out to any of these designers, as I know most are now offering online consultations to help you make even better use of your home spaces.
PRO TIP #1 Surround yourself with things you love, clear clutter and distraction, and maintain a schedule.
Sheri Bruneau of Get It Together.
Home Office
I have created a dedicated space to practice yoga every day. Since we are socially distancing ourselves, and the gyms and yoga studios are closed, I find that creating the space keeps me exercising.
I also surround myself with items that I love to look at. For example, I love my pink plant on the top left of my desk (the wealth corner on my desk – Fung Shui) and the picture of the Mr. and I at the top left of my desk (the relationship area in Fung Shui). – Sheri Bruneau
What works best for me working from home is to block out distractions. I’m a huge advocate for time blocking (using the omodoro Technique) and find that by using blocks of time, I can really get a lot done. I check emails 3 times a day (first thing, around lunch, and then around 3:30 pm). As for social media, I turn off all notifications while I work in those blocks of times.
I also know that any clutter really affects my mind and thinking. At the end of my day, I ensure that my desk is cleaned off and my area is tidied. There is nothing better than starting a new day with a clear space. – Sheri Bruneau
PRO TIP #2 – Take stock of your inventory, goals and desires and make a plan.
PRO TIP #3 – Have your desk face the entrance to a room, play music in the background to help you focus, and watch those chords.

Office by Christy Davis Interiors. Photography by Robert Clark.
PRO TIP #4 – Built-ins are useful for keeping clutter at bay and creating storage room. Hide the wires!
Carla Aston Designed

ASID Showhouse office design by Carla Aston. Photography by Miro Dvorscak. Read more about it HERE.
PRO TIP #5 – Office organization is essential.

Home office design by Christine Kohut. Photography by Laura Moss

Home office design by Christine Kohut. Photography by Laura Moss
Christine’s client, a busy mom of three, needed a work space that was in the center of the action, but didn’t add to the chaos. Christine designed this home office in the kitchen, living, dining room. See more of the Glenbrook project.
PRO TIP #6 – Motivate yourself by having art in your home office and an inspiration board.
Jennifer Moreau of Moreau Designs
Having an idea or inspiration board helps with creativity of any kind. Also, art that speaks to you personally is a great motivator like this mural that was designed with personal totems. – Jennifer Moreau
PRO TIP #7 – Planning is key. Inspired surroundings = more productivity.

Home office design by Molly Hirsch. Photography by Jennifer Moriarty at Juniper Millbrook.

Home office design by Molly Hirsch. Photography by Jennifer Moriarty at Juniper Millbrook.
PRO TIP #8 – Make your home office pretty and be inspired with a mood board.
Office designed by Lisa and Traci Zeller for the Long Island Ronald McDonald office.
Office designed by Lisa and Traci Zeller for the Long Island Ronald McDonald office.
Always make your office a pretty place to work so you enjoy being in it. Create a mood board to hang next to your desk to inspire you. – Lisa Mende
PRO TIP #9 – If you can, give yourself a window view and keep only one project on your desk at a time.
Sarah Robertson of Studio Dearborn

Home office design by Studio Dearborn. Photography by Tria Giovan.

Home office design by Studio Dearborn. Photography by Tria Giovan.

Home office design by Studio Dearborn. Photography by Tria Giovan.
Give yourself a view if you can…but if you have a window behind your desk, remember to have good window treatments to block the sun at the times of day when it may interfere with seeing your computer screen. I like having two layers on the window, and having it mechanized means I can easily raise the shade and enjoy the view as soon as the morning sun is no longer a factor. I also love having my files close at hand, but not reachable from my desk. It forces me to stand up frequently, which is better for my back and general health!! Lastly, I find its helpful to just keep one project on my desk at a time…and to keep other “to-dos” on an adjacent surface…I can stay more calm if I don’t feel like I’m drowning in work. – Sarah Robertson
PRO TIP #10 – Make use of existing space like your kitchen or dining table and be sure there’s plenty of natural and task lighting.
Deborah Main of The Pillow Goddess
I designed this above breakfast/dining nook for the fall 2019 One Room Challenge. I knew, because of the natural light, and the beautiful chandelier that I’d be also using this space as a home office too. And my husband often grades his student’s papers here. Usually, its has more pillows than it has in the below image, but half of them are in home stager Ruby Cloutier’s storage because we were working on a very cool project and didn’t have time to get them back to me before the lockdown.
You can also set up a home office in your bedroom. While experts advise not to do work in your bedroom, sometimes it can’t be helped. I utilize this desk mostly for writing notes because it faces a wall. I prefer to face a window when I’m working, so that’s why I like to work from our new breakfast/dining nook best.

Blue and white bedroom with desk/home office designed by Deborah Main. Photography by Gregg Cestaro.
There are many more home offices out there for you to see, but I thought these were beautiful examples from these talented designers and they all have excellent tips. I hope you enjoyed them.
BONUS – “Peace of Mind During These Tough Stay-at-home Times”
Laura Muller of Four Point Design Build has a wonderful post out on home offices, with some fantastic tips on “transitioning” into working from home. Check it out HERE. I think this will be really helpful for you too!

Home Office design by Laura Muller of Four Point Design Build. Photography by Riley Jamison.
Please PIN me to share my post with your friends looking for home office inspiration!
Till next time, follow me on Instagram and Pinterest with a NEW group board “Home Office Spaces” to continue inspiration from more designers. Stay well, stay calm, and be safe. And get outdoors in the fresh air! We will get through this together my friends, take care. XO PG
Note: Images provided by respective interior designers. Photographers when known are credited. Other images and my opinions are my own.
Janet R Lorusso
Posted at 22:07h, 28 MarchSuch a wealth of inspiration here! Beautiful post, Deborah! I too have always worked from home. It’s just very different right now – I found myself nodding in agreement reading your opening paragraph. We are on lockdown since my son flew home a week ago and it feels like eternity already. I totally relate to the what day is it? feeling! I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had a health relapse – sending hugs and prayers!
Deborah Main
Posted at 18:50h, 02 AprilHi Janet. I’m so glad you could relate to the post. Yes, working from home is normal for us, but it feels so different now. Glad you found it inspiring too. Thank you about my relapse. It’s a great month for me to catch up on rest. Now if I only could be worry free…lol. Thx for the hugs. You’re so sweet. Hope you and your family are well and safe too. ❤
Sheri Bruneau
Posted at 11:31h, 30 MarchDeborah,
Thank you for including me in your blog. There are many great tips you have provided.
I think during this time, it is important to not feel guilty to take any time we need to process. We all process information differently. We all deal with stresses in our lives differently. Let’s make sure we don’t apologize for how we need to wrap our head around things.
Much love to you and your family!
Deborah Main
Posted at 18:53h, 02 AprilHi Sheri. You’re welcome. Thank you for offering your pretty office space and helpful tips. I loved what you said about the pink plant.
Yes, I agree. We’re all going thru such a wide range of emotions. Im trying to cut myself some slack and stay focused on the wellbeing of my family.
Hope you and yours are well and safe. ❤