22 Nov What Happens When You Take A Long Walk?
Tis the season! The holidays are upon us and come Friday it will be shopping madness and then Small Business Saturday. So be sure to #ShopLocal please.
And then WOW, December is here and our Deborah Main Designs Holiday Open Studio, Saturday, Dec 2nd, 12 – 7 p.m. Oh boy, did we have fun last year!! So please stop by.
How does all this happen so fast each year??
Here’s my answer. It speeds up every year. And there’s not a thing we can do about it, except one: Be Thankful.
Be thankful we have a life to live, family and friends to love, a home with a roof over our head, and food and water on the table. Because as we all know, after 4-6 natural disasters in the United States alone, there are many, many people needing our help this year. So please remember to keep on giving!
And one more thing – a good long walk. I am always very thankful I can take a walk. Because walking and being in nature clears not only our heads (you know, that never-ending “to-do” list cluttering our brains), but it clears our hearts, our souls and replenishes our spirit. It rejuvenates us, gives us energy! And that quiet time helps us remember to be thankful.
So take the less traveled path, it will do you good. The photo below (I think) is the lovely wooded path to my friend, color expert, Amy Wax’s, home she’s been restoring in the Catskill Mountains. (Please follow her restoration on #insta @farmhousediary I live vicariously through Amy’s Insta, as I grew up in the Hudson River Valley).
You may go to church. I go to nature. That is where my faith in God, and life, resides, and my battery gets recharged. Because I always find it’s inside me, everything I need – to be me, to be happy, to help others, and give to the world.
So enjoy family, food, pie (don’t forget the pie!!!) friendships, giving to others, and take that walk!! You’ll be glad you did.
Till next time, Happy Thanksgiving, and thank YOU for all your love and support, XO PG
P.S. Watch for my NEW Pillow Goddess 2017 Holiday Luxury List coming out Friday!
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