04 Sep BOOM! Are You Flip Flop Ready?
Summer might be over, but STOP! Don’t put away your flip flops just yet?
I can’t believe summer’s already over! I hope all of you had a wonderful summer and enjoyed some time off with friends and family, like we did, to get refreshed. But, one good thing about summer ending and autumn around the corner, is we enter the “giving” season for many non-profits and local charities. We at Deborah Main Designs get so much joy and feel part of the larger community when we donate our one-of-a-kind pillows to silent auctions. I bet you donate to many different organizations and special causes that mean a lot to you too! Over the past ten years, our pillow donations to silent auctions have helped raise funds for countless local and national charities – from the Crystal Charity Ball in Dallas, the Goombay Bash in Chicago, to our local Rodeo Austin Gala. But this #FlipFlopToNigeria one is quite unique!
I met the dynamic personality, Spruce Dickerson (2011 Miss Plus America Elite Winner) behind this small local fundraiser, during Austin Fashion Week many years ago. It all started for Spruce on a single trip to the Dollar store where she saw all these flip flops for $1.00.
And she thought to herself, “To most Americans $1.00 is nothing, but to those who have nothing, $1.00 is rich.” Spruce Dickerson, 2014.
Spruce saw the need in that one single moment that we, as Americans, could buy a pair of $1.00 flip flops to help other people around the world. Just think about that…..one simple thought….one simple concept and BOOM, #FlipFlopToNigeria was born. Read more about her vision HERE. One thing lead to another, and three years later she’s having the 3rd fundraiser, and has seven barrels around Austin, including local Townlake YMCA.
Those at the fundraiser THIS Saturday will have loads of fun bidding on this Deborah Main UnZipped pillow we donated.

With a swish of a tassel, you can bid on this Deborah Main UnZipped pillow donated to #FlipFloptoNigeria. Photography by, with permission from, Gregg Cestaro.
It’s amazing how much a difference a $1.00 pair of flip flops and one person (along with volunteers!) can make in a child’s life. I can just imagine the smile on those kids faces!
If you can’t make the fundraiser, but want to get involved by having a barrel at your store, or donate to help defray costs for shipping the flip flops, please contact Spruce at FlipfloptoNigeria@yahoo.com.
And I just found out Spruce is a finalist for “Philanthropist” in Texas Women in Business’s “Extraordinary Women Awards”. Congratulations Spruce! She’s one woman in Austin that makes the word “Volunteerism” reach new heights! Please join me in supporting #FlipFloptoNigeria and vote for Spruce right HERE.
We at Deborah Main Designs are so happy to be involved in #FlipFlopToNigeria. Till next time, round up those flip flops for the end summer to donate and enjoy the fall breeze (as soon as it arrives!), XO PG
Note: All photography by, with permission from, FlipFlopNigeria and Texas Women in Business.
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