28 May Deborah Main Inspired by Christopher Guy and #ModenusTalks
What a thrill it was earlier this week to tune into #ModenusTalks, a new series Veronika Miller is doing with Modenus during the blog tours. The first one was launched in Vegas which you can read about here.
But a new team of bloggers was in NYC last week on the 2nd New York BlogTour #BlogTourNYC(PartDeux). (I know this might get a little confusing, but these amazing blog tours keep coming. And you know I’ve been sharing with you all the wonderful treats from the first NYC Blog tour (with many more inspiring posts to come!) and that understandably I’m partial to my own team BlogTourNYC2014)
But, this Part Deux team last week got to go to the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) which I know was incredible, and, as Veronika always does, she created a host of other inspiring events.
Veronika Miller, CEO of Modenus, and inspiration genius behind the BlogTours, set up a wonderful itinerary for them and on the very last day they had the 2nd #ModenusTalks. Okay, you still with me? If I haven’t lost you yet, please read further and you’ll understand why I’m bringing all this up anyways!!
I was so lucky a few weeks ago that while in NYC for a trip with my daughter to see my son (Yes, I was lucky enough to go to NYC twice in ONE month!), I decided to visit the New York Design Center and see Christopher Guy’s NYC Showroom. I first fell in love with Christopher Guy furniture when I saw this chair back in January at the Dallas Market #SneakPeek. Remember that was my first venture out in 2014 as a blogger?
So, the reason I’m bringing all this up is because the #ModenusTalks (see flier below) were not only on a topic dear to my heart “From Runway to Runner – The Creative Process in Fashion and Design” but also moderated by my fellow blog team member, the talented Dallas interior designer Jeffrey Johnson, AND they were IN the Christopher Guy showroom!!! It was s so cool to hear this cause I had just been there and it was GORGEOUS!!! (See tons of photos I took of Christopher Guy’s fabulous furnishings and showroom further down in blog).
I also recently discovered a delightful interview by interior designer Patti Johnson about the fearless and amazing Veronika Miller of Modenus. This interview HERE gives you more insight into Veronika and all that’s behind her dream of Modenus and BlogTours. She just does not stop and is taking BlogTour to exhillerating new heights so you’ll be hearing more and more. Here’s BlogTour’s new website.They’re off to Paris next I believe…ah, the tough life of being on BlogTour!!!
But back to the Christopher Guy’s NYC showroom and #ModenusTalks.

#ModenusTalks Panel: moderators, Jeffrey Johnson, Will Arriaga and special guests, Trend Consultant, Britt Bivens, and Fashion Designer, Cristian Ottaviana. Photography by interior designer & blogger, Linda Holt.
It was a bit challenging to follow #ModenusTalks on Twitter, so I thought it would be nice to hear from a few designers who attended and moderators, Jeffrey Johnson and Will Arriaga.
Here’s just a few of the “take-aways” from this insightful dialogue:
Moderator, Jeffrey Johnson, came up with 5 pointers for fashion and interior designers to keep in mind with their businesses and brand. He said the whole idea for this #ModenusTalks panel was to discuss the “creative process in fashion and interior design”. Fashion and interior design have such a huge crossover, that well, you know me, fashion is one of MY biggest inspirations so it was great to hear that this dialogue was even taking place. Here are Jeffrey’s five “take-aways”:
- “The importance of trends (and how they) trickle down and trickle up
- Textiles for fashion and interior design are much more advanced in technology now to create design, patterns, texture and colors
- How lifestyle for any given designer for fashion or interior design (needs) to expand on a national/international level to diversify income stream. One should consider adding product development to one’s business. Tabletop for fashion or furniture, accessories, or textile for drapery and upholstery for interior design.
- How to bridge the gap between manufacturers and designers by building and supporting relationships and educating each other in the creative process.
- Stay true to yourself with your brand at all costs or otherwise, one will fail.”
I also talked to the other moderator, Will Arriaga, Fashion Event Consultant, of Us2Productions. He was hugely supportive of the need for dialogue between the two industries:
” ModenusTalks is very timely & essential. As an event and trade show manager, I highly recommend supporting this outlet within our fashion and interior design communities because Modenus Talks goes beyond showcasing products. It is a much needed platform for creatives that allows best practices to be discussed and shared. “ Will Arriaga, Fashion Event Consultant.
I only saw a few Tweets during #ModenusTalks…understandably so, as it was the end of the tour and everyone was Tweeted out, but it’s also challenging to tweet and stay present to absorb all the information sharing that’s going on during a live event. (You know that pesky “multi-tasking” that we’re all having to deal with!) But one interior designer on the tour managed a few tweets which I was grateful for (and I’ve found out that we both have a lot in common being from the Boston area)..
Interior Designer Linda Holt’s three “take-aways”:
- “Designers must be just as skilled with strong business practices as they are with the design process in order to maintain a successful practice.
- Today’s designers must diversify in order to stay competitive and have a profitable business.
- knowledge of customization will play a key roll in designers being able to attract as well as maintain high end clients.”
And the wonderful Tina Ramchandani of LifeInSketch, who was part of Franklin Eighth duo who coordinated our #BlogTourNYC fabulous last day, which I haven’t even shared anything about yet (stay tuned cause it’s coming in next 2 weeks). Tina had this one “take-away”:
“Trend forecaster Britt Bivens did a fabulous job of breaking down trends and their cycles. All of the panelists talked about knowing your customer and knowing your brand, both of which are equally important. Without knowing your brand you won’t effectively attract the customer you are looking for.”
And lastly, I want to share one quote that REALLY hit home with me as an artist. This quote was tweeted by Linda Holt but she attributed the quote to Britt Bivens, the guest Trend Consultant:
“For a successful sustainable business you must combine both the creative and the business” Britt Bivens, Trend Consultant
This quote hit home so much for me because I am actively seeking a business partner who can provide for Deborah Main Designs the other half of this equation which is absolutely necessary to grow my brand. I’m the creative seeking a professional business person with experience. There I said it!! Phew, that was liberating!!
Oh, and even though I didn’t talk to the special guests, you must check out the gorgous designs of New York fashion designer Cristina Ottaviana! Now, without further ado, please enjoy the photos I took at Christopher Guy’s GORGEOUS new showroom! Till next time, have a fabulous, relaxing, safe holiday weekend! XO PG
Christopher Guy Harrison is the founder, designer and CEO behind the luxury Christopher Guy (CG) furnishings brand. Although Britain-born, Christopher spent much of his childhood in Spain and France. Now, he can be found between four different residences: London, Singapore, New York, and Los Angeles.
As a child, Christopher became naturally charmed by the shorelines of Cannes where he grew a love for elegance of which he defined as “an effortless form that is beyond beauty.” With his well-traveled history and “critical constructive eye” Christopher’s inspiration transforms into his iconic designs.
Christopher aims to have his designs appeal to an international audience with their timeless elegance and a cosmopolitan feel. Christopher’s designs are motivated by 1930s French Modernist furniture designers and an appreciation of the world-renowned Coco Chanel.
Christopher combines the influences of travel, a passion for elegance and an admiration for historic icons. With all these elements in mind, Christopher gives it a personal twist, making his Mademoiselle Collection something unique and enduringly elegant, withstanding the ticking of the clock wall or the changes in season.
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