09 Oct TEXTURE TUESDAY: Style & Texture in All We See!
Hello Friends. This is the first day of our New Texture Tuesday blog posts by yours truly. Many thanks to Amanda Bogner, our summer intern, for creating fun and stylish Texture Tuesdays (TT). We were lucky to have her this summer and she’s moved onto a fabulous new job with local Alyson Jon…congratulations Amanda!!
As our small studio prepares for growth in January 2013 (more on those exciting details later this month), so does the list of things to do. We must make choices, and the blog is one I’ve chosen to keep. But I really want to get to know you, and for you to get to know me and our custom studio in Austin, Texas. That’s why we’re streamlining things and going to only focus on what’s most important to YOU, our devoted readers, and what we LOVE to write about. This fall I’ve been realizing I can’t do everything and I don’t need to (Thank you FAB Twitter followers for all the great tips!). But what I do do, I want it to be of the utmost quality just like our pillow creations. Without further ado, please enjoy our new TT posts every Tuesday!
First off, I want you to know what I love about texture. In recently reviewing my photos from this summer’s events, family vacations, and misc., I noticed that ALL the photos were great inspiration. And what I loved about them most was their texture, the variety of shapes and angles, and colors. I even decided to keep some photos sideways because it just looked better….I was able to “see” something visually in it that I couldn’t see when I turned it the correct way. I think this is because I see texture everywhere…..from a textured piece of fabric, to an architectural detail….to the ordinary, a woven placemat.
For me, the above photo conjures up small, multi-colored tiles and the opposite textures of smooth, calm water on the left, soft ripples on the right. I also love all the geometric angles. Then right in the middle of all these clean lines, from the pool to the walls, pops out a very textured long seahorse and a glimmer of rough palm trees in the upper right corner. And finally, there’s a subtle reflective quality in the pool’s layers that make the tiles varying texture even more striking!
As most of you know, I’m VERY long winded, so I aim to keep our TT’s short and full of photos. So here’s a few more to get your Texture Tuesday style pumped up today! Enjoy! XOPG

Romantic & stylish textures all the rage this fall from intricate beading to sheer lace. Find these vintage handbags and hats for sale at Flashback, S. 1st, Austin, TX
Texture’s abound in these uniquely shaped vases made from different stones; antique shop in Stonington, Maine
Notice in this simple Maine window box photo, bursting with colorful cascading flowers, all the textured shapes, lines, and shading – from the brown clapboard siding to the verticle red window shudders to the angles of the wispy white curtains peeking through.
P.S. And please comment so we can learn more about you! Thx! :-
NOTE: All photos are mine except for top one. I have no source for that and found it on my camera??
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