13 Jul Fearless Fridays: Sewing anyone?
We’re happy to present to you our dear readers Fearless Fridays,one of our NEWEST features! Pillow Goddess will be interviewing many different people, from artists and designers to entrepreneurs and small business owners all over the world. This feature is all about exploring the world of design, fashion, art, style and more through you. We want to learn more about you, what kind of art you create, or business you’re in, how you’re doing it, and most importantly “why”. We want to know what’s behind your creativity and what you’re most passionate about. So let’s begin in Austin, Texas (okay, I’m a bit biased here, since our studio is in ATX), but get ready for the ride…..this is all about being “fearless” and jumping right in and learning new things. Also watch out for another NEW feature, Austin Addiction, coming soon!
- 4631 Airport Blvd, Suite 119, Austin, Texas 78751 (512) 323.2668
Website: www.fabricker.com Twitter: @thefabricker
Owned by April Kling Meyer
PG: Tell us about The Fabricker and why you opened the store?
AM: I’ve done crafting all my life, but I wanted to learn more about textiles so I worked in fabric stores for about 10 years. I was seeing all around me this DIY (Do-It-Yourself) movement, as well as a resurgence of the “Cottage Industry”. I decided to answer that trend here in Austin by opening up my own store. Plus, Austin is really growing and has its one Fashion Week now. This has inspired a lot of fashion designers to seek more great fabric.
PG: What sets you apart from other fabric stores?
AM: We carry very select fabrics, more subdued prints, florals, some great colors, and alot of our textiles have more natural fibers. We also specialize in vintage and rare fabrics. Many local fashion designers we work with in Austin really like the fact that we offer “Limited Edition” textiles and cater to their needs. If it can be found here at The Fabricker, then I can bet you you won’t see that fabric anywhere else!
PG: What do you value most in your relationship with your clients/customers? What inspires you?
AM: Intimacy. The intimacy of being a part of someone’s inspiration and creativity really excites me. You get to be part of their whole creative process. Plus, you make fast friends that way.
PG: What is one unique quality about your store?
AM: We’re small but mighty!
PG: What is a favorite/treasured object in your home and why? Is it new or old?
AM: My white leather couch. It’s the first high-end new piece of furniture I ever bought for myself. I’ve kept it in great condition and its still beautiful. Buying that made me feel like a grown up for real.
PG: Any advice for aspiring designers, creatives?
AM: When you march to the beat of your own drummer, remember that its your own drum beat that brought you here. Don’t start listening too much to others rythyms. Be careful of who you choose as a mentor….and always stay in tune to yourself.
PG: Did I not ask you something you want to tell me about?
AM: We had a blog that grew into a store. We wouldn’t exist if it weren’t fore the valuable modern tools on the internet now….like Pinterest, Tumblr, and Twitter.
Deborah Main, April Meyer, and fashion designer Emily McNeely of Emily Hallman
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