09 Mar The Pillow Goddess Speaks: Guest blogging for D. Coop!
Happy Friday all! We’re getting some great rain here in Austin, Texas. Remember when I talked about “stretching outside your comfort zone” a few posts back? Well, took another leap into pushing the envelope into the Blogging Universe (It really is a world of its own!!) and wrote my first “Guest Blog”: “Pillow Goddess: A day in the life of…”
Was asked by the renown and totally amazing California-based designer Brandon Smith to write a post for his “Designer Inspiration” series on his blog: D. COOP. Got connected with this wonderful guy through Twitter my friends…a designer who speaks his mind with charming (and sassy!) wit (you’ve GOT to read his blog!!):
“The biggest reason I’m a designer? So I can critique (read: make fun of) space and get paid for it. All in all it makes me a nicer person in real life.” Brandon Smith
And who would have ever guessed I’d meet someone who can out talk ME!?! Brandon not only invited me to do a guest blog, but he also picked one of our pillows for his TOP 5 SPRING DESIGN PICKS for the San Diego Premiere mag!! I LOVE Twitter and have met so many wonderful people all over the world, but I feel very lucky to have become friends with late-night owl Brandon Smith of @dcoopsd . What an honor Brandon, thanks so much!!!
So without further ado, here’s a link to my Very 1st Guest Blog. You’ll read all about what truly inspires my designs and see a few pillows from a variety of our collections. I’m still learning and have far to go to keep up with all these fascinating bloggers, but watch for the launch of our Texture Tuesdays starting next week! xoPG
P.S. Made another new fab Twitter friend, Angel Robinson (@writerobinson) with Write Robinson (she brings new meaning to “writing letters” in the 21st century with her handcrafted stationery!). Angel also did an inspirational post a few Wednesdays back so please check out her design process too. And now all of a sudden we find ourselves members in the “D. COOP ALUMNI”….an esteemed group no doubt! That’s what I love about blogging (and Twitter) ….it is SO MUCH FUN and you meet all these wonderful new people who become fast friends. And of course, learn a thing or two about design. Enjoy!
Brandon S. (aka DCoopsd)
Posted at 21:13h, 09 MarchYou are just too damn sweet. Not kidding at all.
At first, when I saw that post come across my email and it the word count said something like 2,110 or a random number like that, I thought…. “Crap. Pour yourself a drink and settle in for a night of editing.”
And then I read it.
And I knew then that you had it. There are few artist cum bloggers who can put into words their inspiration without sounding like a pompous a**hole tasting wine. Because most artists out there come across in their words like someone who’s trying to cover up for lack of something else. Call it the Big Truck syndrome. (email me if you have no clue what I’m talking about).
Anyway…. absolutely loved having you on the blog and look forward to seeing what else comes up!
Posted at 21:28h, 09 MarchAwh, thanks….cause I’m know you DID need a stiff drink to read my post….thus all the “sorry so long” yadayada emails that followed!! Okay I feel like Sally Field now here (young folks will have no clue what I’m talking about!) So to find out you actually “liked” it, just made my day, my week, my month, my year! New to blogging, on one hand its damn challenging (and still finding my voice) but on the other hand it’s liberating. Thanks to your sweet kindness and the opportunity to do my first “Guest Blog”, I dove in and that’s what came up. It still could use more editing, but I’m glad I didn’t sound like pompous a**hole artist….that would have been NO fun at all. So what this tells me is…keep trying to be “myself”…that’s all it really takes. Thank you for the opportunity and boost of confidence (cause as you know I was nervous as hell!). xo